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HIV Replication and Antiretroviral Drugs

HIV Replication and Antiretroviral Mechanism of Action

Mnemonic: AFRITAB

1. Attachment (to CD4 cells)

2. Fusion (enters CD4 cells and dump it’s contents – RNA and reverse transcriptase)

3. Reverse transcription (1 strand RNA becomes 2 strand DNA)

4. Integration (HIV DNA integrates into human’s CD4 cell’s DNA)

5. Transcription (long chains of RNA and proteins containing information to make new HIV is released)

6. Assembly (protease breaks these long chains into “packages” that lineup along the edge of CD4 cell)

7. Budding (newly formed HIV along the cell wall pushes itself out of CD4 cell, stealing a part of the cell’s protective coating)

Pharmacokinetic enhancers: Inhibit CYP3A4 and increase drug levels:

“HIV Virus Replication Cycle” by NIAID is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)


  1. Symptomatic HIV disease (AIDS defining disease)
  2. Asymptomatic HIV disease with CD4 count:
    • < 200/μl
    • Decline of > 100 CD4 cells/μl per annum
    • RNA level > 50,000 copies

Aim: HIV RNA level <50/μl


  1. PI sparing: 2 NRTI + 1 NNRTI (preferred)
  2. 2 NRTI + PI (preferred)
  3. 3 NRTI (only when NNRTI or PI cannot be used)
  4. NRTI + NNRTI + PI (advanced cases who have failed multiple previous regimens)

Drugs considered safe in pregnancy: Zidovudine, Lamivudine, Nevirapine, Nelfinavir, Saquinavir

Drug combinations to avoid:

CombinationsReasons to avoid
Zidovudine + StavudinePharmacologic antagonism
Stavudine + DidanosineIncreased toxicity (lactic acidosis)
Lamivudine + DidanosineClinically not additive

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP):

Further reading: chw-04-hiv-life-cycle-meds.pdf (

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