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Bilirubin Metabolism and Disorders

Bilirubin Metabolism

1. Aged RBCs (80-85%)

2. Breakdown to Biliverdin and Bilirubin (in reticuloendothelial system)

3. Circulation

4. Delivery to liver (Conjugation)

5. Excretion and Enterohepatic circulation

  1. Excessive conjugate bilirubin is excreted in blood and taken up by unsaturated hepatocytes
    • Defective OATPB1/B3 transporters = Rotor syndrome (AR; Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
  2. Into bile-canaliculus (Active transport)
    • Rate-limiting step
    • Defective MRP-2 protein = Dubin-Johnson syndrome (AR; Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
  3. Duodenum
  4. Terminal ileum and Colon
    • Bacterial degradation of conjugated bilirubin = Urobilinogen
      • 18% = Enterohepatic circulation (delivered back to liver)
      • 2% = Excreted in urine (Urobilin; gives characteristic color of urine)
      • 80% = Excreted in stool (Stercobilin; gives characteristic color of feces)

Unconjugated Vs Conjugated Bilirubin

Unconjugated bilirubinConjugated bilirubin
Van den Bergh reactionIndirectDirect
SolubilityWater insoluble; Lipid solubleWater soluble; Lipid insoluble
Blood-brain barrierCannot passCan pass (Kernicterus)
Urinary excretionNot excretedExcreted

Stool and Urine Color in Hyperbilirubinemia

Pre-hepaticUnconjugatedNormal (urobilin)Normal (stercobilin)
Post-hepaticConjugatedDark (conjugated bilirubin)Pale (less stercobilin in stool)

Inherited Disorders of Bilirubin Metabolism

GilbertCrigler Najjar 1Crigler Najjar 2RotorDubin Johnson
Defect1. Hepatic uptake of unconjugated bilirubin
2. Decreased activity of UDP glucuronyl transferase
Absent UDP glucuronyl transferasePartial deficiency of UDP glucuronyl transferaseDefective hepatic uptake and storage of conjugated bilirubinDefective secretion of conjugated bilirubin into bile
Genetic defectUGT1A1UGT1A1UGT1A1OATP1B1/B3MRP-2
Liver histologyNormal or Lipofuscin pigmentNormalNormalNormalDark centrilobular pigmentation
Incidence6-12%Very rareUncommonRareUncommon
Plasma bilirubin (mg/dl)≤3 in absence of fasting or hemolysis; almost all uncojugatedUsually >20; all unconjugatedUsually <20; almost all unconjugatedUsually <7; about half conjugatedUsually <7; about half conjugated
PrognosisNormalDeath in infancy if untreatedUsually normalNormalNormal
TreatmentNot requiredLiver transplantPhenobarbitalNoneAvoid estrogens
Other features bilirubin with phenobarbitalNo response to phenobarbital bilirubin with phenobarbital↑↑ urinary coproporphyrin (isomer I <80%) urinary coproporphyrin (isomer I >80%)


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