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Ankle block : Nerves and Landmarks

Mnemonic: The 3 nerves starting with letter “S” are sensory only and supply superior and side aspect of foot (dorsum).

1. Superficial peroneal nerve (L4-S1): located lateral to Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL)

2. Sural nerve (S1-S2): It is formed from the medial sural nerve (branch of the tibial nerve) and the lateral sural nerve (branch of the common peroneal nerve)

3. Saphenous nerve (L3-L4): It is a branch of femoral nerve.

Other nerves (Motor + Sensory):

4. Deep peroneal nerve (L4-L5): located lateral to Extensor Hallucis Longus (EHL)

5. Tibial nerve: It divides into lateral and medial plantar nerves just inferior to the medial malleolus.

Landmarks for Ankle block

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