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Upper Motor Neuron Lesions (UMNL) – Anatomical Basis

For the purpose of remembering the clinical manifestations of upper motor neuron lesion (UMNL) and lower motor neuron lesion (LMNL), a mnemonic has already been devised and discussed here.

Now, it’s time to understand the anatomical and physiological basis of these manifestations.

Upper Motor Neuron Lesion (UMNL) Syndrome

Acute Manifestations

1. Spinal shock: Hypotonia and loss of all reflexes on contra-lateral side

2. Relative sparing of trunk muscles:

Late Manifestations

1. Babinski sign:

2. Spasticity:

3. Hyporeflexia of superficial reflexes:

4. Contralateral or Ipsilateral Involvement:

5. Involvement below the lesion:

6. Decorticate posture:

Rubro-spinal tract regulate flexor tone in upper limb.

Reticulo- and vestibulo-spinal tracts regulate extensor tone in the neck and both the upper and lower limbs.

7. Decerebrate posture:

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