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Peripheral Neuropathy Made Easy

Step 1: What system is involved – motor, sensory, autonomic or mixed?

a. Sensory involvement

Sensory examination:

1. Sensation: Begin distally at toes or fingertips – move proximally if abnormal

  • Vibration: 128 Hz tuning fork
  • Pinprick: Disposable safety pin
  • Light touch: Cotton swab
  • Temperature: Warming or cooling tuning fork’s prongs

2. Joint position sense: Ask patient to close eyes – then, move distal phalanx of toes or finger up or down by small increments and ask the patient to tell the direction of movement

3. Casual and tandem gait: for unsteadiness or ataxia

b. Motor involvement:

Often combined with sensory symptoms:

c. Autonomic involvement:

Symptoms include – lightheadedness, syncope, diarrhea, constipation, postprandial bloating, early satiety, urinary complaints, erectile dysfunction, abnormal or absent sweating, dry mouth and eyes


Commonly acquired polyneuropathies with autonomic invovlement:

  1. Diabetic neuropathy
  2. Amyloid neuropathy
  3. AIDP (Guillain-Barre syndrome)
  4. Paraneoplastic neuropathy (Small cell lung cancer)
  5. Sjogren’s syndrome associated neuropathy
  6. HIV
  7. Vincristine
  8. Porphyria
  9. Pandysautonomia

Step 2: Where – distribution of nerve involvement ?

a. Distal (length-dependent) and symmetric: Metabolic, toxic, inherited or idiopathic

b. Not length-dependent and asymmetric: immune-mediated or infectious

Step 3: When – onset and course ?

Step 4: What setting – review of comorbidities and medications?

Common causes of acquired polyneuropathies:

Positive family history of: high arched foot or hammer toes – Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) Disease i.e. Hereditary Sensory and Motor Neuropathy

Step 5: Electrodiagnostic test

Step 6: Blood tests

a. For distal symmetric neuropathy:

  1. Fasting glucose or 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test: Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetes)
  2. Serum protein electrophoresis: Paraproteinemias
    • Demyelinating: MGUS i.e. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance, Waldenstorm’s macroglobulinemia, Osteosclerotic myeloma
    • Axonal: Amyloidosis, Mixed cryoglobulinemia
  3. RFT, Electrolytes, Calcium, Phosphorous: Uremic neuropathy
  4. Hepatitis C titer: usually asymmetric and as mononeuritis complex, but sometimes as distal and symmetric
  5. Serum B12 level

b. Specific:

  1. Metabolic/toxic:
    • Elevated MCV: alcoholism, vitamin B12 deficiency
    • Thiamine deficiency: alcoholism, bariatric surgery
    • Urine heavy metals: Heavy metal intoxication
    • Thyroid function tests: Hypothyroid neuropathy (rare)
  2. Inflammatory:
    • CBC: mononeuritis complex
    • Markers or vasculitis or systemic inflammation (ESR, ANCA, RF, ANA, cryoglobulins): Vasculitis, Cryoglobulinemic neuropathy (Hepatitis C)
    • CSF: protein elevation in AIDP and CIDP
  3. Neoplastic/Paraneoplastic:
    • Paraneoplastic serology: especially subacute and severe neuropathy in smokers
    • Chest X-ray and other imaging for cancers: Small cell lung cancer and other malignancies
    • CSF cytology: carcinomatous or lymphomatous polyradiculopathy
  4. Infections:
    • CSF: pleocytosis
    • Lyme titres (serum, CSF): Lyme neuroborreliosis
    • HIV testing: HIV associated neuropathy
    • Hepatitis C (Cryoglobulin testing): Hepatitis C – mixed cryoglobulinemia



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