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Internal Capsule Simplified

Internal Capsule is a “boomerang” shaped (on horizontal section) and “funnel” shaped, i.e. tapering from superior to inferior (on sagittal section) white matter structure sandwiched between:

Parts of Internal Capsule

1. Anterior limb:

2. Posterior limb: Carries fibers to and from the parietal lobe

3. Intervening genu (knee):

4. Retrolenticular part (behind lenticular nucleus):

5. Sublenticular part (below lenticular nucleus):

Thalamo-cortical fibers:

  • Run from anterior to posterior of internal capsule.
  • Anterior limb: Carries fibers from anterior and dorsomedial thalamus to prefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus.
  • Posterior limb: Carries fibers from ventral (sensory) thalamus to somatosensory cortex.

Blood Supply of Internal Capsule

Superior part: Lateral striate (lenticulostriate) branch of MCA (Site of Charcot-Bouchard Aneurysm)

Inferior part:

Lesions of Internal Capsule

Charcot Bouchard Microaneurysm of Lenticulostriate branches of Middle Cerebral Artery:

Thrombosis of Reccurent branch (Heubner’s) of Anterior Cerebral Artery:

Obstruction of Anterior choroidal artery:

Pure sensory stroke:

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