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Approaches to Middle ear and Mastoid surgery

Endomeatal (Transcanal or Transmeatal) Approach:

Rosen incision (Endomeatal approach)


  1. Exploratory tympanotomy
  2. Underlay or Inlay myringoplasty
  3. Ossiculoplasty (Ossicular reconstruction)
  4. Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy (Otosclerosis surgeries)

Endaural Approach (Lempert or Heerman incision):


  1. Excision of osteomas and exostoses of ear canal
  2. Large tympanic membrane perforation
  3. Atticoantrotomy for Attic cholesteatomas
  4. Modified radical mastoidectomy

Postaural Approach (Wilde’s incision):

In children, the incision is shorter and horizontal to avoid injury to the facial nerve as mastoid is not well developed and the stylomastoid foramen (from where facial nerve emerges) lies superficially



  1. Cortical mastoidectomy
  2. Modified radical and radical mastoidectomy
  3. Tympanoplasty (when perforation extends anterior to handle of malleus)
  4. Decompression of facial nerve
  5. Endolymphatic sac surgery
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