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Nutritional History Made Easy

Energy Requirement

1. For a child with normal body weight:

2. By age:

Adequacy of feeding:

1. Breastfeeding:

2. Complementary feeds:

Calories provided by common foods:

Following servings of each food provides approximately 100 Kcal:

  Amount Cooked measure
Cereals 30 gm 1 katori or 2 chapatis
Pulses 30 gm 1 katori
Leafy 200 gm 1.5 katori
Roots 100 gm ¾ katori
Others 300 gm 2 katori
Nuts 15 gm  
Fruits (Pulpy fruits) 125 gm 1 medium size (raw)
Cow’s milk 150 ml ¾-1 cup
Egg 1 ¼ 1 ¼
Meat 80 gm 2 big pieces
Sugar 25 gm 5 tsp
Butter 15 gm 3 tsp
Oil 10 gm 2 tsp
Sago seeds (Sabudana) 30 gm 1 medium katori (cooked)

Assessment of Nutrition:

The 24-hour recall is the most commonly used method of obtaining information about a child’s intake and is useful as a screening tool. Parents/caregivers are asked to describe the types and amounts of food eaten by the child in the previous 24 hour period. This may not represent a typical day’s intake, and thus, the recall may not accurately describe a child’s nutrient intake.

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