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Management of Diabetes – GLUCOSE BAD mnemonic

Glycemic control

HbA1c 3 monthly or Bianually (if treatment goal acheived and glycemic control considered stable) – Target:

Self-monitoring of blood glucose – Target:


Annual or 2 yearly (if targets achieved) assessment of fasting lipid profiles with target:

Statin therapy regardless of baseline lipid profile:

Urine microalbuminuria

Annual screening (albumin to creatinine ratio) for:

Albuminuria >30 mg/day: ACE Imhibitor or ARB recommended for Non-pregnant patients

Persistent microalbuminuria (30-300 mg/day) suggests:


Advised to stop smoking or use of any tobacco products, and also to minimize second-hand smoke exposure.

Ophthalmology (Screening for eye disease and retinopathy)

No evidence of retinopathy in 1 or more annual exam: Consider 2 yearly examination

Any evidence of retinopathy present: Atleast annualy

Retinopathy progressive or sight threatening: More frequently

Pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes:

Sexual dysfunction

HbA1c target <7% before becoming pregnant


Annual comprehensive foot exam following 1st examination:


  1. Inspection of the skin to assess its integrity.
  2. Examination for erythema, deformities, tissue damage, or callus formation.
  3. Assessment of gait and joint mobility.
  4. Assessment of pedial and popliteal pulses.
  5. Assessment for loss of protective sensation with a 10-g monofilament in addition to testing for 1 of the following: vibration perception threshold; sensation to pinprick; vibration (using a 128-Hz tuning fork); or ankle reflexes.

Screen for Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) if:

PAD screening:

  1. History of claudication
  2. Pedial pulse assessment
  3. Ankle-brachial index

Blood pressure

Target: <140/90 mmHg


75-162 mg/day (or Clopidegrol 75 mg/day) if: Women >60 years and Men >50 years with additional risk factors:

Dental checks

Biannual dental examination

Summarised from:

A Practitioner’s Simple Mnemonic for Managing Diabetes: “GLUCOSE BAD” – Jennifer Grace Ziliotto McCrudden, FNP-C, CDE, Beatrice Janulyte Hull, MD

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