Drug Elimination Kinetics : Mnemonics

drug elimination kinetics
Amount of drug eliminated per unit timeConstant amountConstant fraction (Mnemonic: first = fraction)
Rate of elimination with plasma concentrationIndependentDirectly proportional (greater the drug, greater is elimination)
EliminationCapacity-limited, i.e. liver/kidney are saturated/maxed out on how much they can eliminateFlow-limited, i.e. liver/kidney are not saturated on how much they can eliminate; drug is the rate limiting factor (Mnemonic: first = flow-limited)
t1/2Variable (not fixed)Fixed or constant (Mnemonic: first = fixed)
Clearance (CL)VariableFixed or constant (Mnemonic: first = fixed)
Serum drug concentration (Cp) vs time graphStraight lineCurved line
DrugsMnemonic: Zero WATT PowerMost of the drugs
1. Warfarin
2. Alcohol
3. Theophylline
4. Tolbutamide
5. Phenytoin

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